She has been home with puppies and now she is back in the ring! And with bravura! Taking BOS both days this weekend in Norrköping. Well done and congratulations to owner Lena Fredriksen!
2 days Norrköping SDHK & National - June 1-2 2019
The boys and I were in Norway, Sandefjord for a show. Many years since I was there. Last time was Norwegian Winner 2015 and Miranda won BOB, Musse BM4 R-CAC and Kenneth BM2 and became CH.
It’s always nice to be in Norway even if I find it very difficult! Usually it’s a very long trip and just a one day show – that means just one chance. When I drive to other countries I try to get 2 days shows, so I get more chances.
And in Norway it’s also hard competition, with very high quality dogs! But I like that! Then it’s more fun to win 😉
And this time we did! Very lucky indeed! Bringing home 3 new titles!
In SC only 4 CK was given, only 4 in Champion Class, so when we was in CH class and it was over I was told it was also Best Male – I didn’t get that before the class. So, no time for being nervous! Lol – Over before I knew it! And Gerry got the CAC! (thank God he got CK as number 4 in class!)
In LC many CK and very exciting! But Musse was in a good mood and did his best 🙂
Many thanks to Lene & Melissa Nordås Kalleklev for a very cosy day and for letting me stay in your tent! Congrats to you to! <3
Also thanks for photo!
Sandefjord, Norway NORDIC June 1 2019
Bobo – Chi’s Lovely Earl of Essex, now 5 months old, has been on his first local show. He did great with BOB and BOG2! Judge was breed specialist Maria Lönnhammar.
Congrats and well done owner Annica Widman!
I just love his years! ❤️
He is from the last litter after Chi’s Lovely King Alonso and Chi’s Lovely Doll Tearsheet.
A bit late with this results, was one week before Hässleholm.
We went to Denmark with 2 dogs. First show outside for the year! A bit cold in the wind but still fine.
Gerry was not at all in the mood for show :p
Allie did her best and won Best Female and got CACIB! Thank you Lisa for a nice trip!
Roskilde International Show - May 11 2019
I am so grateful for all my wonderful friends I have made thru the dogs! Just being at a show, laugh and have fun is the best thing! And upon that also get super results is magic! 🙂 Thank you so much for the day, for showing and loving my dogs and helping me out!
So the results 😉
(Complete results under all pics)
BIS judge Aleksandar Petrovic.
Thank you Lisbeth Göl, Kim Forsberg & Kent & Nina Haarala <3 Love you!
BOB Gerry + BM3 R-CAC Thomas.
Also happy for BM2 CAC Angelus Corona Ready or Not who is a son to SE DK CH Chi’s Lovely Lord Berkeley. So all boys BM 1-2-3 are cousins 🙂
BOB SC puppy Jenny (no photos on her, forgot to take)
Miranda, my little chubby love, was in a great mood and went all the way from Veteran Class to Best Bitch and BOS! Also BOB veteran.
Also got some blurry pics on this cute young girl Alice – Chi’s Lovely Lady Anne. She is a litter sister to Thomas. She took part in the group to. Thank you for that Kent & Nina Haarala! When she will walk, it will be very good lol
Hässleholm Nordic May 18 2019
Never thought we could top last years results at Malmö International show, when we won BOB in both LC and SC. But we did! Se complete results!
Under results I wrote some old results from Malmö.
All for a nice day by the ring and thank you Lisa for helping me out in BOG! And for chocolate!Malmö International mars 31 2019
Thank you
Here’s some fun curiosa from Malmö shows during the years we have been there. Just the dogs placed, might had some more showed 😉
2018 BOB both varieties: LC BOB Musse – SC: BOB Gerry
2017 (I was not there)
2016 BM2 Musse – BF2 Miranda
2015 BIG4 BOB Musse – BF2 Miranda – SC: BOS Chi’s Lovely Lady Goneril
2014 BIG2 BOB Musse – BM2 Chi’s Lovely Sir Orsino – SC BH4 Chi’s Lovely Julius Caesar & BF4 Chi’s Lovely Charmiana
2013 BF4 Chi’s Lovely Celia
2012 BF2 Miranda – SC: BH4 Chi’s Lovely Julius Caesar
2011 BF2 Miranda – BF3 Chi’s Lovely Celia
2010 BOB Small Is Beautiful’s Had To Be You – BOS Chi’s Lovely Alfvina Ärtblomma – BF4 Chi’s Lovely Mistress Page (first time I got both BOS & BOS!)
2008 BF-R Chi’s Lovely Alfvina Ärtblomma
2007 BOS Guichon’s American Rose (BIG day in my life!)
So proud over the boys Peppe Chi’s Lovely Don Pedro and owner Erik Von Ståhl Berg!!
Peppe is new Cyprus Champion! He is already N SE DK FIN NORD Champion <3
I have borrowed this pic on net and it’s so good! This is exactly what you have to see before your eyes when buying a cute puppy!
Jag älskar den här bilden och kunde inte låta bli att stjäla den när jag såg den i flödet på sociala medier.
Detta är exakt vad man måste tänka på när man tillköpa en hund! Den lever kanske 17 år! Vad gör jag om 17 år? Vad gör jag ens om 5 år? Man ansvarar för ett liv när man tar sig an en hund och det går inte att se lättvindigt på det, måste verkligen tänka efter ordentligt -innan!
Man får en vän, en livskamrat och massa kärlek på köpet <3
Truly a very nice day in Gothenburg. Even if this show always seems to come very quick after Christmas, never ready for it. Kind of not left the old year behind yet! lol
We showed 4 dogs – Lisa started with the junior boy Thomas who won class and was the only male that was not a champion who got CK – so the CAC was his before he even went into Best Male (if nothing strange had happened of course :p). He ended up as BM4 and BOS junior.
Musse did well with BOB 🙂
Miranda, my chubby little girl went in veteran class and became BOB. Both was in the final – just in and out.
Allie BF4 🙂
Super nice day – Thank you Lisa for copay and for loving and showing my dogs!
MyDog Nordic Gothenburg
Looking back on 2018. It’s been a super year even if we haven’t been on many shows, actually 10 shows in Sweden during the hole year.
Chi’s Lovely Cassio
# TOP 1 Long Coat in Sweden! Stopped on 52 points (next male had 39 p).
All his shows:
6 x BOB – Includes BOB at Swedish Chihuahua Special Stora CC.
3 x BOS
2 x BM2
1 BM4
He also became BOB 2 days in Dortmund and became German Champion and European Sieger.
Chi’s Lovely Miranda, 9 years old, has enjoyed the rings and ended up at place 14 all females.
Showed her 1 time in veteran class, at MyDog and she was BOB – that made her:
# Top 6 veteran bitch.
Other places Top 2018
# Top 8 LC puppy – Chi’s Lovely Titania
# Top 8 SC puppy – Chi’s Lovely Sheriff of Wiltshire
# Top 3 LC breeder
# Top 5 SC breeder
New Champion Titles
Chi’s Lovely Duchess Of York – Swedish Champion
Chi’s Lovely King Simonides – Swedish and Finnish Champion
Chi’s Lovely Lord Berkeley – Swedish and Danish Champion
Chi’s Lovely Cassio – VDH CH German Champion
Chi’s Lovely Balthasar – Danish Champion and Copenhagen Winner 18
Chi’s Lovely Don Pedro – Norwegian Champion