World Dog Show Leipzig

Veteran World Winner 17
Veteran World Winner!!
Miranda did it and now she has 2 WORLD WINNER Titles! So happy about my little red girl ♥ Love her to bits.
Musse was 2 out of 18 beautiful Champion males. Also not bad!
Veteran World Winner 17
Veteran World Winner!!
Miranda did it and now she has 2 WORLD WINNER Titles! So happy about my little red girl ♥ Love her to bits.
Musse was 2 out of 18 beautiful Champion males. Also not bad!
Presley took CAC! Super!! Well done Louise!
What a great day! Miranda BOB and Musse BOS!!
Musse BEST OF GROUP and BIS 5!! Big moment in my show life!!
It’s big!! In my time in showing I only know 1 LC before that has been BOG! (a son to Tegs Wild Cards)
Gerry was BOS and got his first Swedish CAC!
Miranda 2!
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