In a very hot Borås we had a great day! I showed 5 dogs. 3 LC and 2 SC.
Musse BOB! He has been very lucky so far this year! He is unbeaten male on the shows we have been on – 4 in Sweden; 2 BOB and 2 BOS, and 2 i Germany where he was BOB on both.
At the moment Musse is Top 1 male in Sweden (have to enjoy the moment as I know it can change fast lol).
Miranda was BF2 – very happy she still is on the top, soon to be 9 years old!
Gerry won open class and ended up as BM4.
Mimmi came EXC4 CK out of 17 bitches in open class.
Brenda is still not happy with dogs behind her, but got EXC3.
We had no breeders group.
Thank you Mathilda for photos and company!
Borås National Show
- BOB Chi's Lovely Cassio
- BF2 Chi's Lovely Miranda
- EXC4 CK Chi's Lovely Duchess Of York
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- BM4 Chi's Lovely King Simonides
- EXC3 Chi's Lovely Queen Elisabeth