BOB at Tågarp

Thomas and Lisa did it again! BOB and shortlisted in BISS. Was among the last 6, very exciting to watch. And finally we could met again! It was almost 2 years ago we saw each other! I had a very nice day, it was so nice to see everybody. So many nice friends! <3 Some rain but mostly sun.

I showed two dogs my self, little Puck and Nejlika (Chi’s Lovely Constance). Puck did well, he walked very happy, but needs training on the table. Have been hard to train during Covid… So I am very pleased he likes showing at all. We also met his cute sister, Chi’s Lovely Queen Hippolyta.

Tågarp SDHK National show

Judge: Anna Friberg


  • SC BOB shortlisted in BISS - SE DK CH Chi's Lovely Sheriff Of Wiltshire
  • LC
  • BOS puppy - Chi's Lovely Puck
  • 2 HP puppy - Chi's Lovely Queen Hippolyta
  • EXC4 open class - Chi's Lovely Constance (Nejlika)

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