Grid 3 Columns All The boys The girls Champions Current contenders In Memory Chi’s Lovely Earl of Pembroke The boys Chi’s Lovely Cressida The girls Chi’s Lovely Julius Caesar Champions, In Memory Chi’s Lovely King Simonides Champions, Current contenders, The boys Chi’s Lovely Duchess Of York Champions, In Memory Chi’s Lovely Cassio Champions, Current contenders, The boys Chi’s Lovely Puck Current contenders, The boys Chi’s Lovely The Queen Champions, Current contenders, The girls Chi’s Lovely Prince Hamlet Champions Chi’s Lovely Lady Macduff Champions, The girls Chi’s Lovely Miranda Champions, Current contenders, The girls Chi’s Lovely Sheriff Of Wiltshire Champions, Current contenders, The boys Chi’s Lovely Lady Goneril Champions, Current contenders Chi’s Lovely Lord Berkeley Champions, Current contenders, The boys Chi’s Lovely Don Pedro Champions, Current contenders Chi’s Lovely Balthasar Champions, Current contenders Chi’s Lovely Miss Jaqcenetta Champions Chi’s Lovely William Page Champions, In Memory Chi’s Lovely Sir Orsino Champions Chi’s Lovely Lady Regan The girls Chi’s Lovely King Alonso The boys Chi’s Lovely Alfvina Artblomma Champions, In Memory, The girls Chi’s Lovely Julia Capulet The girls Chi’s Lovely Timandra The girls Chi’s Lovely Constance Current contenders, The girls Chi’s Lovely Titania The girls Chi’s Lovely Charmiana Champions, In Memory Chi’s Lovely Doll Tearsheet The girls Chi’s Lovely Lady Percy The girls Chi’s Lovely Mistress Quickly The girls Chi’s Lovely Princess Thaisa Chi’s Lovely Duke Of Gloster The boys Chi’s Lovely Countess Of Auvergne The girls Chi’s Lovely Queen Elisabeth The girls Chi’s Lovely Drottning Hermione Champions, In Memory Chi’s Lovely Celia Champions, In Memory